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In 2019 het KIX-groepe fondse ingesamel vir die Reformed Church in East Africa (RCEA).
Die RCEA is steeds besig met projekte wat hierdeur befonds is en hulle het onlangs weer vir ons nuus gestuur:
As RCEA children’s department we are doing well and we thank God for care and protection.
Despite the pandemic restrictions which have affected the entire world, we have been doing children’s activities.
It humbles me the way God is working through children ministry.
May God be gracious to all.

Kalemorong Parish is in Turkana County and located in the Northern part of Kenya. It is a desert region and people suffer from hunger and drought. It is also a remote area and unreached with the gospel.
We invited 50 kids but they came with their friends and in the end there were 71 kids. There were four Sunday school teachers, a pastor and a few parents. The parents were very supportive and were encouraged to bring more children to Sunday school from the neighborhood. It was a two-day workshop.
Die seuntjie in die derde foto verdien geld vir kos deur plastiekbottels te herwin.

Kayole parish is located in the slum area in Nairobi city. It is a small congregation. We were anticipating 50 kids but 35 attended the workshop.
Theme: Discipleship
Topic: Preaching the Good News
Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20
Lesson Objective: Children learned about the spiritual discipline of telling others the word of God.
Life Impact: This Bible lesson taught children about the spiritual discipline of evangelism. Sometimes we forget that children can speak God’s truth, even better than grown-ups. (See Matthew 21:16) Telling others about Jesus is also a key for kids to grow in their own faith.

Nangili parish is situated in Turbo Presbytery along Eldoret to Kitale road. We presented a vocational bible school for two days. Forty-three children attended.
The content consisted of a faith lesson and a life skill.
Theme: Jesus is Lord
Topic: Jesus appeared to his disciples and many others.
Scripture: John 20: 19 – 29
Target Age Group: Grades 1 to 6
Main focus: Jesus’ resurrection proved his Lordship over death. There is hope beyond the grave and the disciples believed that Jesus is Lord and indeed God.
Impact: Children were excited and learned that indeed God will rise up those who believe in Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
Life Skill: Children learned simple sewing and they made their own face masks. We have heard stories from parents that they are making more face masks at home for their young siblings.
Arts & design: Grade 4-6 children did coloring and junior teens completed word puzzles on the topic.

Bungoma parish is the headquarter of Bungoma presbytery in Western Kenya. We presented a one day outreach program which 38 children attended.
Theme: Mission work
Topic: God is a missionary God
Scripture: Mark 16:15 & John 3:16
Main focus: Teaching the believing child about missions.
Output: Christ has commanded all believers of every age to be actively involved in sharing the gospel with those who have not yet heard the word of God. Children must share the Good News and pray for the salvation of lost people around them.
Impact: Children promised to share the gospel and witness to the lost boys and girls around them.
Arts & design: Grade 4-6 children did coloring and junior teens completed word puzzles on the topic.