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Materiaal vir 3-5 jariges
(Scroll down for English)

Hierdie materiaal is vir almal wat met 3-5 jariges werk en ideaal om in ‘n VKO-dagprogram te gebruik. Elke handleiding bevat 40 Bybelstories en elke storie het vyf idees met aktiwiteite en speletjies wat daarby pas. Dit is jou keuse of jy die aktiwiteite apart doen of op een dag kombineer en aanpas (tuis of by die skool) volgens jou kleuter of groep se behoeftes.


Klik op die voorblad om die handleiding af te laai.

This material is for anyone working with 3-5 year olds and ideal to use daily as part of an ECD program. Each Bible story has five ideas with suitable activities and games. You choose whether you complete the activities separately on different days or combine them in one day and adapt them (at home or at school) according to the needs of your child or group.


Click on the book cover to download the teacher’s guide.